75 Most Common German Verbs [That You Need to Know!]

most common german verbs

In this post I’m going to give you a list of the 75 most common German verbs. Aiming to learn as many of the most common German verbs will enable you to manage many everyday situations, while not having to worry about less common verbs that you are less likely to use.

You will also learn about what verbs are and how to use them correctly in a sentence.

What Are Verbs?

Verbs are seriously important words, we use them in every sentence. Often more than one verb in a sentence is used. They are used to describe everything; actions, physical states, thoughts and experiences. Without verbs, sentences would make no sense. In the following sentences the verbs are highlighted:

  • We are flying to Germany soon.
  • The children are going back to school.
  • I fell asleep early last night.

Imagine these sentences with the verbs removed. You wouldn’t get the whole picture if someone said ‘we to Germany soon’.

Top tip: As a general rule, if you can put ‘I’, ‘he/she/it’ or ‘we’ in front of a word, that word is a verb.

Due to the long length of the list of verbs, you’ll find it at the bottom of this post. Click here to jump straight to the most common German verbs list.

Sentence Structure Rules

German sentence structure is a complex topic, you can read the complete guide to German sentence structure here. However there are a few simple rules to remember for verb placement in sentences that will make learning German much easier! In German, if there is one verb in a sentence, that verb usually goes in position 2.

Position 1
Position 2
The Rest
Der Hundspieltmit dem Ball
Das Hausistsehr groß
Ichessegern Schokolade

If there is more than one verb in a sentence, the conjugated verb goes in position 2. The other, unconjugated verb goes to the end.

Position 1
Position 2
(Conj. Verb)
(Unconj. Verb)
Ichmöchtenach Deutschlandfahren
Die Katzewillnach draußengehen

For asking questions, the structure is almost the same as English, the verb moves to position 1. If there is a second, unconjugated verb, that goes to the end.

Position 1
(Conj. Verb)
Position 2
(Unconj. Verb)
Hastduetwas für mich?
Könnteichnoch einen Teehaben?

Ready to finally master German sentence structure?

Download your German Sentence Structure Cheat Sheet for just $1 and get your sentences to flow naturally.

What are the German Modal Verbs?

The German modal verbs are a little different to other verbs, but they are among the most common German verbs. They are used along with another verb, and are used to express desire, possibility, obligation, or permission.

The modal verb changes the meaning of the sentence depending on which modal verb is used. In German there are 6 modal verbs:

  • dürfen = may / be allowed
  • können = can
  • mögen = like
  • müssen = must / have to
  • sollen = should
  • wollen = want / wish

The modal verb is conjugated and in position 2, and the other infinitive verb goes to the end.

  • Wir müssen morgen nach Berlin fahren.
  • Ich will Schokolade essen.
  • Er kann die Kinder abholen.

The modal verb changes the intention of the other verb. Let’s use the verb gehen as an example:

  • Ich gehe in den Park.
    • (I am going to the park)
  • Ich möchte in den Park gehen
    • (I would like to go to the park)
  • Ich kann in den Park gehen
    • (I can go to the park)
  • Darf ich in den Park gehen?
    • (May I go to the park?)
  • Soll ich in den Park gehen?
    • (Should I got to the park?)
  • Ich will in den Park gehen
    • (I want to go to the park)
  • Ich muss in den Park gehen
    • (I must go to the park)

You can see that we use the same verb gehen, but in changing the modal verb, the whole meaning of the sentence changes.

Everyday German Verbs

As I’ve gone along my German journey, I’ve learned the most common German verbs first. Most of the verbs listed below are useful for most people. Some are essential and you will use them in every conversation. Others you may not use much, and will be harder to remember. But listed below are the verbs I’ve have found extremely useful for everyday conversations.

The list may seem intimidating, but don’t feel that you need to learn them all at once. Think about the conversations you like to have and what your interests are. Some verbs you will use all the time, others you will struggle to recall when you need them. But the important thing is that you start to realise which verbs you need for your own situation.

With all that said, here is my list of the most common German verbs:

Verb (infinitive)Meaning
könnencan / be able
müssenhave to / must
dürfenmay / be allowed
wollenwant / wish
brauchento need
findento find
suchento search / look for
denkento think
glaubento believe
wissento know
habento have
seinto be
essen to eat
trinkento drink
gehento go (on foot)
fahrento go (by vehicle)
helfento help
kommento come
mitkommento come with
fliegento fly
lesento read
guckento watch (TV etc.)
schauento look
schlafento sleep
bleibento stay
übernachtento stay overnight
hoffento hope
reisento travel
arbeitento work
spielento play
bringento bring
bekommento get
treffento meet
besuchento visit (people)
besichtigento visit (sightseeing)
machento do / make
laufento run
joggento jog
sitzento sit
legento lie down
stehento stand
beginnento begin
startento start
anfangento commence
aufhörento stop
wohnento live / reside
lebento live
ankommento arrive
abfahrento depart
nehmento take
gebento give
sprechento speak
sagento say
redento talk
chattento chat
fragento ask
lernento learn
studierento study (at uni / college)
verstehento understand
erklärento explain
erzählento tell
versuchento try
bezahlento pay
schreibento write
aufschreibento write down
kaufento buy
verkaufento sell
schickento send
gewinnento win
verlierento lose
verspechento promise
lügento lie

So now you know the most common German verbs that you can use in everyday situations and how to correctly use them in a sentence.

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