german capitalization rules
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German Capitalization Rules [That You Need To Know]

Whether you’ve only recently started learning German, or if you’ve been studying the language for a while, you’ve probably noticed that German uses a lot more capitalization than English. The German capitalization rules can be confusing at first, but once you get the hang of these simple rules you’ll be able to correctly capitalize German…

how to type umlauts
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How to Type Umlauts: ä ö ü ß [on PC, Mac, iPhone & Android]

Once you really get into German, and many other European languages, you’ll need to learn how to type umlauts. Umlauts are the special extra letters in German and other European languages: ä, ö and ü. German also has another letter, the eszett: ß, which is also included in this tutorial. In German speaking countries, the…