German sentence structure rule 1:
“The verb always goes in the second position … except when it doesn’t.”
The step-by-step German sentence structure course for anyone in a love-hate relationship with the German language.
Dear German language love-hater, have you ever…
❌ Felt like you’ve had a brutal 10 hour workout at ‘Brain Gym’ whenever you’ve tried creating German sentences ‘live’.
❌ Had the weight of confusion slide off your shoulders as you finally understand basic German sentence building rules, only to discover a load of exceptions which leave you even more frustrated then before.
❌ Been so close to rage-quitting German because you just can’t visualise how a sentence is meant to fit together.

We both know it’s not meant to be like this.
You’ve been diligently working through German textbooks, and maybe even taken an online course. But no-one seems to make it clear why German sentences have a particular word order.
But the good news is, it’s not your fault.
The truth is, German sentence structure can be confusing, and it’s really different compared to English. You see, most courses focus on grammar but don’t actually explain WHY words goes in certain places in German.
Which is why you need a system that breaks down why those words go in certain places by someone who has been through the German learning process.

A course that will give you a visual & logical method for building German sentences, even if you’re on the verge of quitting German & setting fire to all your German textbooks.
Look, I’ve been there. When I started learning German, trying to build sentences left me feeling like my brain was about to explode with all the mental gymnastics.
But after studying German at a obsessive level, I developed my Building Blocks Method for this course, designed to help other German learners build sentences, brick by brick.

After taking Simple German Sentence Structure you’ll:
🟥 Be able to visualise how a sentence is built using the Building Blocks Method
🟥 Get loads of practice building your own sentences with the 30 page Sentence Builder Workbook
🟥 Have a working knowledge of how grammar points including separable verbs, conjunctions & tenses affect German word order
🟥 Understand exactly how & why German word order is the way it is
🟥 Get your sentences checked & corrected in the private Facebook group

What my students are saying…

“I have gained a lot of perspective on how to build sentences and use different components in sentences. I had never heard of some of the rules you have in your course and they were incredibly helpful. It helped build some confidence in being able to construct sentences better.
A lot of resources that teach German like Duolingo give you sentences but nearly no grammar and no explanations to understand anything you’re doing or why. It’s extremely frustrating. This course was laid out well and explained well. I wasn’t confused about anything so far and I love the charts.
I would definitely recommend this course to others. It’s a great course that covers a lot of critical basics that are often glossed over or entirely left out. I enjoyed this course so far and can’t wait to finish it. I definitely recommend it.”

“I have just completed Simple German Sentence Structure and I loved it! I have been learning German from an app with no German speakers to talk to for about 12 months now and have struggled with sentence structure. This course doesn’t take long to complete, is easy to navigate and understand, but by the end I have a much better grip on sentence structure.
Areas I really struggled with, like where to put nicht in a sentence and sentences with subordinate clauses suddenly make a lot more sense. The workbook is a valuable tool not only for practice but as a reference to return to when I am struggling with a sentence.
I would recommend this course for anyone setting out on their German learning course, certainly anyone at A1 level or simply anyone at any stage struggling with sentence structure. And especially anyone learning from an app!
My workbook sits beside me just in case now! And in my subordinate clause sentence structure I have verb comma verb in my head 😁 The course really has helped me.”

“I like that everything is explained in a straight-forward manner. The content is delivered in “bite sized chunks” so the learner can easily assimilate it, and not be overwhelmed with too much information at once.
A lot is covered in this course, making it very helpful for anyone in the A1/A2 level, or looking to brush up on German sentence structure.”
What’s included?
Simple German Sentence Structure Course
90 minutes of video lessons broken down into 8 modules. Each lesson is no more than 11 minutes long. I’ll be there to hold your hand from the very beginning, explaining in simple terms how to build your very first German sentences, right up to complex sentences with subordinate clauses.
- This course is completely self-paced.
- Lessons are in order of difficulty, gradually allowing you to build more complex sentences.
- If you already have a foundation in German, just skip the first few lessons.
- Pick and choose which modules you have difficulty with and focus on those.
Let’s take a look at each module:
Module 1: Basic Sentence Structure
How to build the simplest German sentences with just a subject, verb plus other information. The basis of most German sentences.
Also known as the ‘time manner place’ rule, Module 2 explores the correct order for adding more information to a sentence and when you can bend those rules.
Module 3: Two Verbs
Most sentences in German contain more than 1 verb. In this module you’ll learn how to place 2 verbs in a sentence. We’re moving further away from familiar English word order, so it’s time to do a bit of mental gymnastics. Once you get the rules in your head, it’ll seem easy!
Module 4: Conjunctions
In Module 4 you’ll find 2 video lessons, one for the nice & easy co-ordinating conjunctions, and one for the pesky subordinating conjunctions which like to mess with the word order we’ve learned so far. You’ll learn which common conjunctions fall into each type and how to move words around when necessary.
Module 5: Separable Verbs
This module explores a special type of verb, the separable verb. These verbs are very common in German and after taking this lesson you’ll understand how and when they are separated and how they affect the sentence structure we’ve learned about so far.
Module 6: Tenses
In Module 6 you’ll get 2 video lessons, one on the future tense and one on building the past tense. You’ll learn the rules for word order when creating these tenses using auxiliary verbs.
Module 7: Subordinate Clauses
We’re going to be creating some complex sentences in this module. You’ll find 2 video lessons, in the first we’ll revisit separable verbs and how they fit into subordinate clauses.
After the second lesson you’ll know how to invert the subordinate clause and learn a special word order rule in order to do this.
Module 8: Complex Sentences
In this final lesson we’re going to put everything we’ve learned in this course into action. We’ll break down example sentences and review exactly why each word is in a certain position.
You’ll see a combination of subordinate clauses, WHEN WHY WHERE, separable verbs and tenses all smashed together in complex sentences. Don’t worry, I’ll explain the ‘why’ for each sentence.

Oh, you want some bonuses?
Sentence Builder Workbook
- A 30 page companion workbook covering all modules & bonuses
- Print out or edit on your device
- Create your own sentences by simply filling in the building blocks
- Example sentences given for each module

Bonus #1: Asking Questions
Asking questions is fundamental to having conversations & German has a special word order for questions. In this bonus you’ll get 2 video lessons on building questions using verbs & question words.

Bonus #2: Negation
Ever been confused about where to put nicht in a sentence? You’re not alone. After completing this bonus module you’ll know the placement rules for the negation words nicht & kein.

Bonus #3: The IF / THEN Method
This powerful bonus method will help rewire your brain to create correct past tense sentences every time. You’ll also learn how to setup trigger words such as subordinating conjunctions that your brain will recognise & know what action to take to build a correct sentence.
In simple terms: IF this happens, THEN you do this.

Private Facebook Group Access
Share your sentences with other course members in our exclusive group. I’ll be around to answer any questions about German sentence structure.

“If, like me, you started learning German with Duolingo, you are probably able to say many things correctly, but are not quite sure why they are correct. If that’s the case, this online class from Emma, “Simple German Sentence Structure” is for you. It’s not a be-all-to-end-all class. Instead, it covers one important area in depth. An area that is both confusing at first and vital to know as you advance your German language skills. And that is sentence construction. Yes, this class will teach you, in a straightforward way, why the verb goes at the end!
It’s a fine course even if you don’t come to if from Duolingo. Emma does a great job of breaking down the key concepts that determine where the parts of speech land in German sentences and why. Through concise videos and small workbook exercises, she takes you through basic sentence structure, rules for adding time, manner and place adverbials, conjunctions, separable verbs and more.
If you’ve been studying German for a while, you’ll still find things to think about in new ways and understand more deeply. And if you are new to German this class will help you lay an important foundation for further learning..”
Is this course right for me?
Let’s do this together
If you’re ready to have that light bulb moment, and experience that ‘I get it’ feeling as German words start to slot into place in your mind, join…

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Your Teacher
Hallo! I’m Emma, and I love the German language. My aim is to get you enjoying learning German as much as I do and to help make this sometimes confusing language, that bit easier.
Having guided thousands of German learners through the scary world of language learning, and dedicated myself to mastering German, I’m here to share everything I know with you.